Eid, Eidi and my recommendations!

A very happy Eid to all of you! 🙂 That said, be informed that hereby hangs another boring tale that is intended to look like a blogpost:

Even the ideas that creep into my suffocated cranium are senile now. This 20-year OLD shabby-dabby blogger assumes herself something like Mother Goose this moment. Despite being solely financed by dear parents, I feel like an Eidi giver, out of this age-stroke probably. M.A is one of my besties who religiously reminds me that since I am no longer a Teen, I am a potential Eidi-giver, a treat-fund-er and what not… but money is not everything or is it?  One is free to choose whatever he/she wants to give as eidi. Hain na? As it turned out and was discovered some days ago, many fellow bloggers cum almost-friends (=P) are younger than me as well.  Since this is a very auspicious event how about this if I stop whining about my age for a while and pick the aforementioned bloggers who have been making me feel great about this blog since its birth 😉 There! Take your Eidi ( Doodles and blog linked that is) and don’t forget that ADAA’B thing please! 😛 😉

This Blogger has so much substance to scribble off.

Even if she is simply commenting around. Literature and politics in particular. Check out Maha Kamal’s Blog.

As She observes, she writes things on as is where is basis. Candice, simplicity and cuteness combined. Check out As I observed By Princess of No man’s land =P

See it her way or suffer the consequences =P This little 17 year old chatter box will storm your home page of twitter. Watch out =P Check:  C it my way!

Okay, This blog is highly recommended for the abundance of vocabulary and poetic rhythms all over, but comment carefully cuz he may blush =P Check out My Time Capsule!

That’s all for today =P . Have a wonderful Eid people 😀 Byes!