The Ultimate Countdown!

In my waking world, I run around the zig-zag paths; balancing Davidson’s on one hand and the keys to my dorm room in the other.
The countdown has started and while I should be rejoicing the anticipation of being graduated in a couple of months, the apprehensions that eat me from within are real.
This blog knows how those five years went by, how I kind of grew up and almost survived. The question marks are zooming in and heavens know how I don’t want this degree to sit in my drawer under the piles of stupid college photographs.
This is the last semester. This is the last deal, they say… but what would they know? They did not dream big. They did not fall in love with medicine.
And when I sleep, in my NREM world of countless possibilities, I end up dreaming of leukonychia. I mean, what the fuck?

5 thoughts on “The Ultimate Countdown!

  1. One reason why I love your blog ia because it talks about medicine. Because, despite all my issues I’ve fallen in love with it too. And, I can’t imagine what it would feel like to finally graduate. I’ll be happy but I’ll be sad too.
    Best of luck for all your future endeavors! And and, keep blogging 🙂

  2. Congrats for becoming a doctor soon, first of all. The fear of what will happen in the future eats everybody up…. But letting it go for the hope of good is the way to live ! Jo hoga bohat acha hoga, and for a brave woman like you I assume your degree can never be left locked in a draw. It will be hanging on the wall of your hospital’s office soon 🙂

  3. You’re a star, lady! Few people have I seen that show such a passion for their medical studies, that they weave it into their everyday life and conversations. Best of luck for your no doubt shining future! 😀

  4. The last semester. The last deal.

    The last hurrah.

    It’s scary, isn’t it? Everything you’ve known for half a decade, just poofs and disappears and suddenly you’re out there all on your own. Without a home. Completely unknown. Like a rolling stone.

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